The Benefits Of Bringing Nature Indoors
Whether you visit us at 1 Hotel Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, or South Beach, you will be surrounded by nature-inspired designs, and a whole lot of green. We know firsthand the benefits of bringing living plants indoors, but we also know not everyone was gifted a green thumb.

Whether you visit us at 1 Hotel Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, or South Beach, you will be surrounded by nature-inspired designs, and a whole lot of green. We know firsthand the benefits of bringing living plants indoors, but we also know not everyone was gifted a green thumb.
Here are some of our favorite plants you can grow indoors, that are as easy to maintain as they are beneficial:

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Snake Plants
Snake Plants don’t need much light or water to survive, so they’re an easy choice for any part of your home. The plant absorbs carbon dioxide and released oxygen during the night, while most plants do so during the day. Add one to your bedroom for a clean-air boost.

Photo credit: @succyqueen
Aloe Plant
The gel of the Aloe Alant has multiple healing properties. Not only does it soothe skin burns and cuts, it can also help to monitor the air quality in your home. The plant can help clear the air of pollutants found in chemical cleaning products, and when the amount of harmful chemicals in the air becomes excessive, the plants’ leaves will display brown spots. FYI: It grows best with lots of sun.

Photo credit: plantology_
Golden Pothos
The Golden Pothos makes NASA’s list for its ability to clear formaldehyde from the air. Try adding it to your kitchen or living room as a hanging plant, as the leaves will grow down in cascading vines. They grow easily in cool temperatures will low levels of sunlight.