Best Al Fresco Dining In NYC
With Memorial Day long gone, it’s officially the season for al fresco dining in New York City. No matter what part of the city you’re in, East Side or West Side, Uptown or Downtown, you’ll be able to find yourself a seat outdoors. Below are a few of our favorite eateries that offer outdoor dining all summer long.

With Memorial Day long gone, it’s officially the season for al fresco dining in New York City. No matter what part of the city you’re in, East Side or West Side, Uptown or Downtown, you’ll be able to find yourself a seat outdoors. Below are a few of our favorite eateries that offer outdoor dining all summer long.
Photos by: @idizon & @catsinplicity
Photos by: @indagaretravel & @kathrynmichael
Photos by: @thelushlifeny & @iimxsy
Photo by: @barbutonyc & @itslauraining
Photos by: @thelipstickfever & @cicyfan
Photos by: @terri.yates & @chefjwaxman
Photos by: @grandbanksnyc
Photos by: @honestcravings & @caffedeifiori
Photos by: @ilovetheupperwestside & @samarrrra